Thursday, December 6, 2007


i threw up four times last night. it was so gross. i haven't thrown up in like a million years, i forgot what it was like haha. so every time i hook up with hookup boy i get more attached. i've fallen pretty hard for this kid and it sucks. i don't know what i can do to distract myself from getting more attached to him. there's only one other boy i'm attracted to: my personal sunshine. every time i see that boy my head becomes clouded and i'm at a loss for words. he's given me butterflies for three straight years. ahh. he was the reason i went to work every day this summer haha. damn he's cute.
anywho, i'm going to see his band play on saturday. i'm excited. they better play my favorite song.
Juno comes out tomorrow in theaters, but they said it comes out in "selected theaters". well one of those "selected theaters" better be by me. the movie looks really really good.
ew so yesterday jamie and i and everyone were hanging out at the park and then bozo the clown and her crack head friend walked up. awkward. this blog is pretty freaking random. maybe because i cant think straight because i haven't eaten anything since yesterday morning.

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