Tuesday, August 11, 2009

i am such a nerd

currently reading three books. or at least trying to. i bought russell brand's autobiography a while ago and then i went to the library and checked out Haunted by Chuck Palahniuk (this is the most disgusting, amazing book and i cant put it down)  and then yesterday the book i had on reserve finally came so i went and picked up Fear and Loathing. i think i'm just going to wait until i'm done with haunted before i start reading F&L so i can fully enjoy the book. but i read the first chapter already and its going to be one interesting book. finished up all my college stuff yesterday. i should be getting almost three grand in about a month to help with college and other things. i've already decided to get another tattoo with some of the money. i wont tell you what i plan on getting yet because i'm sure i'll get made fun of haha. sooooo i found out that my ex cheated on me with three girls. i knew of two of them but then friday night i found out about the third. j, k, and l. their names are right next to each other in the alphabet how weird. and the funny thing about all this is i still hooked up with him the night i found that out. he asked me "i've been an ass to you so many times why do you still like me?"  i didnt have an answer for him then and i dont have an answer for him now. but heres a question: after hurting me so many times why do you still come back to me?  when you have an answer for that i'll have the answer for you. 

i just wish i could be enough. i dont understand why you need all the extra girl attention.

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