Thursday, November 19, 2009

you are a manipulative piece of shit and i don't know how ANYONE can like you. the fact that you can get one girl, let alone play two at the same time baffles me. i've never hated anyone more than you and i honestly wouldn't give two fucks if you died a horrible painful death. you are a useless waste of space and a fucking liferuiner. you have ruined my sister's life long enough and i hope one day you feel as much pain as you've put her through. of course you would have to have a heart in order to feel that and i highly doubt there's a single ounce of caring in your entire body. you are a pathetic acne ridden jew nosed tiny dicked cunt and i pity your family for having to put up with your shit constantly. you're the poster child for abortions. just fucking die already so my family can have peace for once in their life.

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