Thursday, December 17, 2009

today is going to be boring. i can already tell. here are a few random things in my purse:
hot cheetos with lime
two pairs of mittens
beanie stolen from brian that he'll never get back
mini hairbrush
cherry carmax chapstick
ipod charger
barbie stickers
hand sanitizer
an assortment of colored condoms i got from the gay pride festival
aqua shades
stride winterblue gum
watermelon flavored gum
bag of rips with three left
my glasses
birth control
california id
first aid certificates
movie stubs
two lighters
smirnoff mango sticker
red ninja
one black button
fortune from fortune cookie that says: "life brings you a bold and dashing adventure"
gold daisy earrings
and a million other pointless things

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