Tuesday, February 24, 2009

someone pleaseeee save me

i'm going to kill my 13 year old sister she's being such a fucking bitch right now. she treats my parents like shit. she is exactly like those fucking girls on the maury show who disrespect their parents and have those "im the shit" attitudes. i don't have that short of a fuse but she pissed me off so much i hit her. thats not the haylee i knew. ever since we moved she's changed and its for the worse. she's hanging out with such a bad crowd. i don't mean to be racist but all she does is hang out with gang banging mexicans and its really changed her attitude toward my parents and i absolutely hate it. she acts like she's the shit and she's just some fucking white 13 year girl who doesn't know what the real world is like. one fuck up and haylee will be on her way to orangewood but haylee obviously doesn't care if she gets taken away. my mom is trying so hard to save her and it kills me to watch her try so hard when this demon apparently doesn't care. i don't know who to talk to about this so i felt that a blog would help me express myself. but i still need someone to talk to about this because this hasn't helped much.

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