Monday, June 1, 2009

its june first

and that means twenty one days until my 19th birthday! i don't know what i'm going to do for my birthday though. victoria will be gone so idk who i'll spend my birthday with :/ i'll need to find someones house to stay at because i definitely dont wanna go home that night. girls night someone turned into girls with guys night. it was still fun though. dillon stayed over at victorias with aaron victoria jamie and me. jamie left though because she thought i was hooking up with dillon on the couch but i wasn't. victorias house is just squeaky so things can often sound like something they are not. anyways i didn't get any sleep that night and sleeping on victorias couch is really taking a toll on my back. i'm starting to walk like the hunchback. hahahahaha victorias mom just called jerry handsome! crazy lady i swear. she's leaving saturday for a week, i can only imagine the things that will go down in this house while she's gone. 

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