Friday, April 25, 2008

did you forget me?

apparently. are we still together? ksajksajkjsaskdsakhshhdshshjssah yeahhhhhhhhhhhhh nothing like feeling invisible. so i understand you're stubborn and so am i. but we both know something's wrong. so why can't we approach each other and just talk about it? how long will we drag this out? i have so much to say yet every time i get around you i freeze up. i avoid you. or you avoid me. and things definately are not the same anymore. maybe you just need your space, maybe i'm boring, maybe you've found someone better...just please tell me. i know i worry too much. ever since i was little i have constantly worried over the slightest things. it's just how i am. i'm sorry. i have a million things running through my head right now but i don't know what else to say.

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