Tuesday, May 12, 2009

pardon me

ive been having the same bad dream over and over. its not really the same its just the same idea though. i don't know why i keep dreaming about it if its old news. i guess its something i still stress on even though i shouldn't. i miss all my friends. i miss bre i miss kerensa i miss lexi i miss steph i miss jolie. ah why does life have to be so hectic? only one final tomorrow, at 7 in the morning though. and thats my only class for the day too. awesome. so i've noticed that i've learned not to get attached easily, at least i think i've learned. i'm not sure. maybe i just know that this fling is only temporary so i'm guarding myself from getting hurt once it's over. yesterday was actually really fun. i hung out with super hot dillon :) him and cj are so funny haha. ugh but yesterday i was followed to class by some creepy guy that asked me for my number last week. i'm really glad this is like my last week of school because the guys here are such creepers. hopefully next semester won't be as bad. i just wish it was june already. so many fun things are going down that month, except for victoria leaving for a month. but maybe i'll get her job while she's away. ah i gotta take the bus to school today how freaking lame.

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