Wednesday, July 16, 2008

eep :)

today was pretty good. i finally got to see my boyfriendddd :D i was so happy. it sucks i won't see him tomorrow though. the market is going to be so fucken boring. oh well. it will probably be like me jamie kurt and maybeee luc. awkward. but i guess its better being there than at the "guys time" or whatever its going to be. i wouldn't want to ruin that. plus i wouldn't fit in with any of the things they'll be doing. shitt i gotta take my placement test soon for college. theres a bunch of upcoming shows at chain i need to go to. i think jamie and i might go to the one on the 27th, if we aren't working. which i really super hope we aren't. its a bunch of hardcore christian bands but they're superrrrr good. i dont know what its been with me lately but all of the bands i've been discovering are christian screamo. is jesus trying to tell me something? do i need to go to church? whatttt?? ahhh. friday: dark knight comes out, but i cant spend my money on it until after jamie and i go on our dateee <33 bahaha. it sucks that my parents take my money without telling me because i'm saving up for shit and they go and take it. fuck how would my family survive if jamie and i didn't have a job? it scares me. we'd probably be on the streets. ehhh idk. maybe thats too harsh but fuckkkk its like theres never any money in my house. only the cash i earn from work and that gets taken all the time too. shittt i had this thing in my mind that i was gonna do and i completely forgot what it was. stupid hobag distracted me and got me all thinking and frustrated and i know shes not being completely honest with me which makes me suspicious, some best friend. guess what? my house is haunted. two people were murdered in my moms room. that explains why i thought i saw someone in my room. and why jamie saw someone in the closet and why my mom heard a little girl talking. creepy. yeah see how good i sleep tonight knowing that shit. hahahaha this has gotten too long.

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