Friday, October 9, 2009

dear sugarmuffin

don't hold back. i know you aren't happy right now. i don't know whats making you so upset but things will get better. trust me. they always do. don't let people get in your way of being happy. if someone isn't making you happy, try not to be around that person as much. i know exactly how you are because i used to be that way, always doing what others wanted because you want them to be happy. stop it. you are your number one priority. you have so many good characteristics, you just have to not be afraid to show them. get out and meet new people, who knows what could happen. you're only seventeen, you have so much ahead of you. i know it seems like everyone around you has a boyfriend right now but you could have one too, just be patient. stop focusing on the negatives and focus on the positives instead. i have a feeling things will improve soon.

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