Tuesday, October 6, 2009

your name is Dont Answer for a reason. even if you call me off a blocked number, i'm not going to answer. i wish you would just get the hint and stay out of my life. you upset me every time i see you. no its not because i have feelings for you, its because you constantly bring up the past. i don't think anyone understands how upset i get but its pretty bad. i'm not the same naive person i was four years ago, i've changed so much buddy. obviously you haven't. don't text me saying "hiiii<3" every fucking time i see you really really really upsets me. you can hang out with my sister every day if you want but thats the closest to me you'll ever get. please stay out of my life.

on a happier note, zombieland was one of the best movies i have seen in a long time. it was nice having quality sister time too. and we saw mark or dave or whatever his name is that used to work at our starbucks. pretty good day today. hopefully tomorrow thursday and friday are the same. especially friday. i gotta get my ticket though. i'm so scared for the cloverfield monster though! hahahahahahahaaha. at least i'll have a cute boy's hand to hold

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