Sunday, January 4, 2009

i kinda dont like

when people tell me i'm "too good" for someone. i understand that they're trying to be nice and what they're saying is probably true but why should you not like a person just because you're better than them? i've never fully understood it. i always try to find the good in just about everyone, no matter how fucked up you may be. i think thats why i always fall hardest for the guys with the biggest flaws. no offense to anyone reading this if you may be haha. but seriously, i always go for the guys who do drugs, or drink alcohol or have some downfall to them. idk why. its probably because i want to be the one to be there for them. its so hard to explain, but thats what really attracts me to a guy. i'm sorry if you're clean cut and have nothing wrong with you and would probably be a perfect boyfriend, i'm not going to be attracted to you. i know thats really really weird but i don't have a problem with it. and its weird because i've always been really against drugs but i always fall for the kids that do them. and i hope that doesn't end up hurting me in the long run. 

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