Wednesday, January 21, 2009

random topic

global warming. i'm too angry to write about my life so i'll just discuss my opinion on something completely irrelevant to what went on today. personally i think that global warming is indeed happening and anyone who disagrees is retarded because why the fuck are we having 80 degree weather in the winter???? i think every year the temperature is going to get worse and worse and everything is just going to get worse. scary to think about but the facts are kinda there. it seems like every winter gets warmer and warmer and look at the fires we had in november that we get every year but this year they were even worse than last years. and we've already had three mild earthquakes in the past 12 months when we usually get them only about once a year maybe. maybe its just the constant worrying in me but it seems like we're in for some crazy things in the next few years :/ 

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